



The philosophy and main goals of Scouts BSA Troop 30 Girls are for each Scout to develop life skills, self confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives, all while having fun! Each Scout is encouraged to challenge themselves both physically and mentally; no one is forced to do something they can't or won't do - but they often surprise themselves (and their parents). Meetings are held Monday evenings from 7:30 - 9:00 pm at Woodside Presbyterian Church from September through June and periodically through the summer. If you are visiting us for the first time, please click on the "About Us" link on the right to learn more. For more information or to discuss joining the Troop, please contact Sandy Johnson, Assistant Scoutmaster at alisandra.johnson@gmail.com or Art McCarthy, Troop Committee Chair at ajmaciii2@aol.com.


Treasure Island Conservation Service Weekend

Posted on Mar 9 2024 - 3:17pm

We have the opportunity to help Treasure Island get ready for the upcoming Scouting weekends. There will be opportunities to perform service including Conservation Service hours. Please use the Event Registration to let us know if you are able to attend.

Join Us for SUMMER CAMP at Ockanickon!

Posted on Feb 27 2024 - 12:10am

Our Troop has been invited to attend camp along with another local Girls Troop for the week of 16-22 June 2024. Please sign up using the event in the calendar or in Event Registration to let us know you are able to attend.

Jodi Decker is 30G's FIRST EAGLE SCOUT!!

Posted on Apr 18 2021 - 8:29am

Congratulations to Jodi on becoming 30G's FIRST Eagle Scout!

Upcoming Events

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